Occupy Oakland: AC Transit Denies Involvement In Move Talks

As reported yesterday in this space, a tipster sent an email that explained in some detail possible sites for the movement of the Occupy Oakland encampment currently at Oakland City Hall Plaza.

Now, in the blog post, this blogger took time to question the authenticity of the email, but what bloggers do is (in most cases) put something out there to see how the blogsphere responds to it. The email itself doesn’t lay out a plan, but it does imply that the City of Oakland was at least talking about the idea. Nothing wrong with that.

Well, except when people at the City of Oakland don’t want the public to know about their conversations. That’s also true, it seems for AC Transit. Though I’m not sure if it’s s statement or a rant I got from their media relations person.

In all of the years I’ve blogger I’ve never got a nastier email from a public information officer. It read more like something an Internet troll would send. It was bad, awful, and insulting.

All I wrote was this:

D4: Woodminster – plenty of space, away from neighbors, not used in winter. Transportation will be difficult, talking to Mary at AC Transit about shuttles. Schaaf supportive of encampment.


That’s it. That’s what the AC Transit rep sent a nasty email about. Real bad, folks. Real bad.

Everyone talks to everyone else. That Mary King at AC Transit may be talking about this Occupy Oakland matter is just that – talk. It’s a free country. But for a public information officer representing AC Transit to send an email and talk to me as if I’m some kind of junk yard dog was just plain wrong.

Stay tuned.

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