Thomas Eric Duncan Ebola Patient Dies Due To Racism

Thomas Eric Duncan Ebola Patient Dies Due To Racism
Thomas Eric Duncan Ebola Patient Dies Due To Racism

Thomas Eric Duncan was the second Ebola patient to die and the first in the United States. Reports are that he went to the Dallas hospital and was said to be “fine” and told to go home. Three days later, he came back and it was found that the Ebola virus had matured in his system. Today, Thomas Eric Duncan died.

Of the six Americans who have Ebola, the two who have died are black: Thomas Eric Duncan and Patrick Sawyer. Ashoka Mukpo, Dr. Rick Sacra, Nancy Writebol, and Kent Brantly are all white.

We have to look at the impact of institutional racism in this. It’s said that Thomas Eric Duncan did not have health insurance, but even with that, for the hospital to just turn him away, even though he said he had been in Liberia and had Ebola is not excusable. It begs the question what would have happened if he were white, or a white woman.

There should not be this kind of pattern. The ideal is that no one should die, but to have a racial disparity at play is disturbing.

Stay tuned.

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