Stephen Collins Of Star Trek Child Molester?

Stephen Collins Of Star Trek Child Molester?
Stephen Collins Of Star Trek Child Molester?
Stephen Collins, famed Star Trek actor, was recorded on tape on TMZ supposedly confessing to child molestation.

Stephen Collins is the star of “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” where he played Captain Willard Decker against William Shatner as Captain Kirk. I interviewed Collins at The Night Of 100 Stars Oscars Party in 2010.

Collins was active in the Hollywood community, where he served on the Screen Actors Guild Board and was a voting member of The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

The tape on TMZ has Collins talking with his estranged wife Faye Grant before a therapist and where he seems to be admitting to having a girl touch him inappropriately.

We can only hope this is not true but it looks bad. TMZ reports that New York Police are conducting an investigation. And that there are at least three victims.

Stay tuned.

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