Susannah Collins, Anna-Megan Raley Face Social Media Lesson

anna-megan-bikiniSusannah Collins and Anna-Megan Raley are two women who don’t know each other, but are experiencing similar lessons in social media. Well, the same lesson, but from different perspectives. Bottom line: the kind of edgy, racy content that bloggers are known for is being rejected by old media as it comes into the Internet space.

Susannah Collins had interesting YouTube videos that caught the eye of the Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Organization after her now-famous “sex” and not success slip of the tongue over a week ago. They did not want her representing their brand – for reasons that are best known to them – so asked her to be terminated as a TV commentator for their broadcasts.

Anna-Megan Raley was axed after using a fake name to post a nasty, Perez Hilton-style blog post about Oklahoma City Thunder Cheerleader Kelsey Williams, saying she was too “chunky” to be a cheerleader. In Anna-Megan Raley’s case, her hot body did give her come license to make a crit, but she should have done it on her own blog, not that of CBS Sports, Houston.

She got fired.

The irony is both Susannah Collins and Anna-Megan Raley have much hire visibility now. They can use that to erase their errors and chart new media paths. The question is, will they?

Stay tuned.

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