Just when Mitt Romney thought that he was a solid front runner last night Rick Santorum won all three of the states that had their primary & caucuses. The states were Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado.
I watched CNN as the results poured in. Mitt Romney gave a speech where he suggested that he’d do really well in Colorado, but the results from last night prove that this race is far from over and that everyone has a chance at this. None of the candidates can be written off – even though Ron Paul has not won a state yet he still has some delegates and has momentum in states like Maine. Newt has only won one state and it’s a matter of time until Ron Paul wins his state.
Santorum gave speeches last night after winning promising to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney.
Because I’m Nikky Raney & you’re not.
Student, blogger & aspiring journalist as well as editor.
I have already been a paid journalist and I have a lot of experience.
Worked for political campaigns as well as at a television station.
I am currently attending New England School of Communications in Bangor, Maine.
I was Managing Editor and was one of the creators in 2006 of the largest student run newspaper in New England: The Tide, at Dover High School in Dover, New Hampshire.
I was born June 7, 1990 in the Philippines.
My personal site is The Future of Journalism – NikkyRaney.com
You can follow me on twitter – http://twitter.com/nikkyraney