Prop 8 Overturned By 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

The best-excuse-to-peep-into-a-bedroom stupid law called Proposition 8, which says marriage is between a man and a woman, was declared unconstitutional Tuesday at the California 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The reason is based on a 1996 Supreme Court Decision that seems on its face remarkably difficult to attack for Prop 8 supporters.

Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote for the court in the 2-1 vote: “Proposition 8 operates with no apparent purpose but to impose on gays and lesbians, through the public law, a majority’s private disapproval of them and their relationships.” The point is that the majority in America can’t pass laws for the purpose of curtailing the rights of a recognized minority.

But for this blogger the question is “Why does anyone care to block the right of another to live life in a way that’s healthy and not dangerous to others?” Some who support Prop 8 think kids will be swayed not to be involved in opposite sex relationships, but that should be their choice.

Considering the rate of birth for Latinos in America, such actions only hasten the eventual formation of a Latino majority in America, Anyway.

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