Jesse James Continues Ass-Like Behavior To Sandra Bullock

Jesse James
Jesse James just can’t contain his desire to emotionally abuse his now ex-wife Oscar-winner Sandra Bullock. While they were married, he cheated on her and not just with one woman, but with as many as five women.

And to make matters worse for pop culture, they had memorable names like Michelle Bombshell McGee and Kat Von D. Then Jesse James took a photo of himself as some Nazi, causing another big stir for everyone involved, and more hurt for Sandra Bullock.

And now, after that, the women, the sex-addiction claims, and their marriage is done, Jesse James, in a cheap but successful play for publicity, continues what in this blogger’s view has been his ass-like behavior toward Sandra Bullock.

On Tuesday, and during a video to promote the new American Chopper, Jesse James was recorded as saying “I became a big shot and married some Hollywood actress and didn’t talk to anybody anymore, so I feel bad. I feel obligated to reconnect with all these people and show ’em that I’m still the same fabricator motorcycle guy. I’m not what I became.”

One mean guy. But the kind of man women love to pick out, then complain about later. James later engaged Kat Von D, only to cheat on her, too – a reported 19 times. And it so pissed off Kat, she blogged about it on Facebook. Here’s a sample:

Today I encountered the 19th girl to add to the list of people Jesse cheated on me with during this last year. I kept going back and forth in my mind as to what the best way would be for me to release and let go of any residual feelings remaining from that toxic relationship. All of this may sound petty or immature to some, but I assure you this is coming from a place of pure honesty and love….Yes, I am pretty tired of getting mistaken for the girl who everyone believes to have broken up Jesse and Sandra’s marriage, just because I have black hair and tattoos like that other gal. That does get a quite annoying at times, and it would be nice to not be associated with her, but that’s trivial in the grand scheme of things.

And that was posted on November 13, 2011 – just about three weeks ago. So it’s clear Jesse James is in the karmic habit of spreading emotional abuse around. Just saying. After all, a blogger does have a right to state a reasonable opinion. Jesse James should work on being nice to the women he has hurt. But the bald truth is that they picked out this guy, and now he’s in the position of being able to raise his buzzmeter just by talking crap about “one Hollywood actress.”

Who’s next?

Stay tuned.

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