Hipster Girl Busted In Mouth By Mad Mother At Nordstrom Rack – Video

Hipster Girl Busted In Mouth By Mad Mother At Nordstrom Rack – Video
Hipster Girl Busted In Mouth By Mad Mother At Nordstrom Rack

Natalie Bree Hajek-Richardson saw a black woman in line at Nordstrom Rack and who was trying to deal with her loud child, as children can be at times, and unsympathetically told her to keep her kid quiet.

The black Mom thought Natalie Bree Hajek-Richardson was telling her kid to be quiet directly, but then Natalie got in her face and said that she was talking directly to her. And then Natalie Bree Hajek-Richardson, by her own admission to Channel Five CBS 5 News in San Francisco, told the Mom to “go to hell.” The Mom said, “I’ll see you there.”

Out in the parking lot, the Mom approached Natalie Bree Hajek-Richardson, said a few words, and then (and it’s obvious from the video, busted her right in the mouth. Richardson had some damage to her mouth, but it wasn’t really noticeable. But what was, was her complete insensitivity to the plight of a mother with a loud kid. Natalie Bree Hajek-Richardson broke a rule: you don’t mess with Mama Bear.

CBS 5 reports that the Colma Police are trying to find the Mom, but I hope they never do. Natalie’s verbal abuse, in itself, was criminal: according to California statute 527.6 harassment is “unlawful violence, a credible threat of violence, or a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person that seriously alarms, annoys, or harasses the person, and that serves no legitimate purpose.” The conduct by the abuser must “cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and must actually cause substantial emotional distress…”

That is exactly why the Mom went and blasted Natalie in the face – two wrongs don’t make a right, but in this unique case, we’re talking about a mother and her child. You just don’t mess with that, and spoiled and entitled Natalie Bree Hajek-Richardson has to learn that.

By the way, I can’t find any social media reference to “Natalie Bree Hajek-Richardson” so she must have used a name that she knew was not traceable, but why?

Stay tuned.

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