Donald Trump Has Cow Over Obama Election Win

Donald Trump, the New York real estate mogul and connoisseur of the finer things in life, has gone off and had a complete cow because Barack Obama was reelected as President Of The United States.

Trump, who issues stupid Twitter tweets with a regularity so alarming it’s as if he’s on crack, was particularly active in the days leading up to the election. Indeed, Mr. Trump has used Twitter to launch all kinds of wacky and childish statements about President Obama. Here’s my video asking him to shut up about the whole birth certificate thing.

Donald’s under the impression that he can actual make change with his tweets, when the reality is people just use them for comedy material.

Moreover, Donald Trump’s tweets have been insulting to the President Of The United States. Indeed, Trump represents what’s wrong with the Republican Party, and must be looked at by the GOP as one of the people who fuels the kind of irrational hate that’s impacted who gets selected by the party to run for office.

Just take a look at some of the more choice tweets he’s issued:

I am really happy Donald’ blown a gasket over the Obama win. Maybe he’ll do something rash and take himself out of commission for a few weeks.

Stay tuned.

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