Jersey Shore Drama Unfolds

Last night on Jersey Shore was epic, insane, crazy and just what you would expect from Jersey Shore, really.

The only difference is that there were two separate trips taken; Vinny and the boys went to Sicily to visit his relatives, and it was really beautiful, amazing, all that great stuff. Then the girls went to Tuscan for their own getaway.

The girls did a wine tasting and it was pretty dry other than the fight between Nicole and Jenni.

When they returned Ronnie came home and gave Sammi a big hug and a kiss – the two have been doing much better lately, and that’s a relief.

So anyway in the beginning Mike thinks he’s playing this elaborate prank when really he’s just being a drama-causing douche bag. He calls up his boy Unit about the Snooki hook-up in question, and Unit basically confirmed that it happened. Anyway, he tells Ronnie and then Sammi and Deena that he gave Unit Jionni’s number and told him to call Jionni, now this is a lie, but Mike wanted to “plant this and see who was the rat” – well the rat ended up being Sammi telling Snooki later on.

Snooki flipped her sh!t. She freaked out, she threw a wine bottle at Mike, she did a lot of crazy stuff, and then when she found out it wasn’t true it was just wow. And later on she and JWOWW went out and she bought & broke a 20 pound bottle of wine.

JWOWW and Snooki fought a lot in this episode – Snooki woke up in Vinny’s bed, and JWOWW was trying to give her a reality check that Jionni isn’t going to take her back.

Snooki called her dad and found out that Jionni changed his Facebook relationship status to “single.” This made her freak out and call Jionni, and she told him about sleeping in bed with Vinny. Then he flipped out, but then he said he will give her a second chance – so all is forgiven for now.

But, she didn’t tell him she had sex with Vinny, because Snooki didn’t know she had sex with Vinny.

Very interesting stuff going on – and the potential for Mike to be going home.
Excited to see the next episode.

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