Hope Solo, USA Women’s Soccer Goalie: Lance At Balboa Cafe Says She’s Hot

So this blogger returned to The Balboa Cafe on Filmore and Greenwich in San Francisco in search of their typically great half-chicken, found it, and some racy conversation with the 95-year-old Marina District bar and restaurant’s most popular bartender Lance Stewart.

Lance, sporting a two-day growth of facial hair he says was gained from just being lazy, leaned close, turned his head to one side, and said in a quasi-whisper “So Zennie. Think you can make some room in that blog of yours to talk about our (U.S.A. Women’s Soccer) goalie? She’s hot.”

The “she” is Hope Solo, and it’s a fair bet that if Hope showed up at The Balboa Cafe, and Lance was there, the first drink would be on him. But who’s Hope Solo?

Well, much to the chagrin of any Cal Bears fans who don’t closely follow Pac-10 Soccer, Hope’s a Huskie, which means she went to the University of Washington. Born in Richland, Washington, she’s started as goalie for every age level of the National Team programs. After college, Hope was drafted by the WUSA’s Philadelphia Charge. She scored a gold metal at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. and is considered one of the best at her position in the World. At one point, Hope went 1,054 minutes without allowing a single goal.

Hope Solo Boyfriend?

OK, what Lance and others want to know is if Hope’s got a boyfriend? She reportedly did in 2007…

That guy is Adrian Galaviz, a Seattle party promoter who plays Metro League Soccer.

But now he’s history.

It’s safe to say Hope’s focus right now is on one thing: Soccer. Meanwhile, those of us watching The Women’s World Cup will be focused on Hope… And her teammates.

Hope, remember this, though: Lance is carrying a torch for ya! And we’re assuming you’ve never visited the famous Balboa, so here’s a video from New Year’s Eve 2011:

Stay tuned.

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