Did Jessica Dorrell Give Bobby Petrino “Reach-Around” On Bike?

OK. What really happened on Arkansas Head Football Coach Bobby Petrino’s Harley Davidson that caused him to, as the police report said, lose control for an “unknown reason” and crash he and his aide Jessica Dorrell on Sunday April 1st 2012 – and uncover a sex scandal?

Bobby Petrino Harley MotorCycle
Bobby Petrino Harley MotorCycle Photo
Well, if you look at this close-up of the Harley, it has a seat in the back for the passenger, which would not only place Dorrell very close to Petrino’s back, but up-right and in the perfect position to give him the kind of “reach around” pleasure that might cause him to lose control of the vehicle.

Take a look, and remember they were on a trip that no one was supposed to know about, including Petrino’s wife and kids, and Dorrell’s fiance.

Just saying.

Oh, here’s the first video explaining the situation if you’re new to this.

And the cartoons from this entire, er, affair, are hilarious!

Stay tuned.

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