The Oakland Adams Point Stalker

Folks, be aware of this man. An Oakland (California) Adams Point resident posted a message that was completely horrifying. So, without further delay, here it is, in full:

I;m posting snips from an email a friend sent me last night. She wants to remain anonymous, but agreed to letting me post these details.

Please, be careful when you’re out on our streets–

Subject: Re: Screaming on Jayne Avenue about 3 this afternoon.

Yes…It was me.

Thanks for your kind words… (M)y throat’s awfully sore, but I think I’ll be okay. Right now, I’m more furious than frightened. I too am sorry you didn’t call 911, but I’m thankful lots of other neighbors did. I wish I’d had the presence of mind to scream something like Rape or Fire or Call 911 like you suggested, but frankly, I was so scared, all I could do was scream and keep screaming.

So here’s a description, for those of you who might be interested in keeping an eye out for (and let your neighbors know about)

an East Oakland creep who’s a registered sex offender and feels

it’s OKAY to stalk a lone woman and sneak onto her property and

it’s OKAY tell the neighbors to not call 911 and ignore her screams because ‘there’s something wrong with her’ (and the reason you wouldn’t call 911 when there’s “something wrong” with someone would be…?)

it’s OKAY to trespass and terrorize and then lie about it


Black male,

moderately dark skin,

some acne scarring and

a pathetic moustache that even a 15 year old would be embarrassed to wear in public



stocky–180-200 lbs

wearing a black leather baseball cap (hair not discernible under the hat)

Black shiny shirt


driving an older, dark cream/light tan BMW sedan

Slick talker–has an answer/can explain everything.


A registered sex offender followed me off the street and into my back yard this afternoon. I saw him, I screamed and kept screaming, even though he kept telling me not to scream and kept telling my neighbors not to call the police, the whole time insisting there was ‘something wrong’ with me. He managed to avoid police arrest on a legal technicality (yes, he’s been through the system and can manipulate it)

Please tell your friends and neighbors about this. Please ask them to dial 911 first and ask questions later if there’s even a whiff of something amiss.

I have no doubt this man’s behaviour and his excuses were planned. The cops agree.

This guy is dangerous. He’s a registered sex offender. He’s been convicted and done time for two counts of sexual battery. He knew damn well he wasn’t supposed to let himself onto private property or slither down the street behind me (or anyone else for that matter). He manipulated a combination of jailhouse lawyer technicality, slick patter and a (thwarted) hope that I’d be ‘nice’ and let him ‘explain’ that he ‘didn’t mean nothing’. Any normal guy would have bolted at my first scream. This guy didn’t. He kept trying to talk me out of screaming. When the neighbors showed up, he told them NOT to call 911 because there was ‘something wrong’ with me. Hell yes! There was plenty wrong—HIM! On my property. Without my permission. Refusing to leave. And bs-ing that I was at fault.

I guess that’s the lesson from yesterday: Call 911 if anything is amiss. If you called by mistake, you can always apologize to the cops later.

I would simply add that Oakland’s Adams Point residents must get to know each other, so no one make a mistake and points to the wrong person. On the other hand, I don’t think any neighbor’s going to be walking on to anyone else’s property.

Stay tuned.

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