LulzSec Head: 28, NY Giants Fan, Unemployed New Yorker, Black Puerto Rican

Hector Xavier Monsegur
When he was CEO of Citcorp, the late Walter Wriston once said about New York and New Yorkers that all he had to do was walk outside of his office and meet the smartest people in the World. Here’s further proof that observation is true today.

What’s the common image of a hacker? It’s someone white, teenaged, and suburban. And undoubtedly you thought the head of LulzSec, the hacker group that brought down the websites of some of the World’s most powerful organizations fit that description, right?

Well, you’re wrong.

The head of LulzSec, who has been working with the FBI as an informant for several months and has caused the arrest of several LulzSec hackers today, is Hector Xavier Monsegur, 28, a father of two kids, a NY Giants fan, and has lived in NY public housing on the Lower East Side, and has been unemployed (unless you consider his new FBI role as informant, employment.)

Working under the name “Sabu” Hector Xavier Monsegur has engineered the take down of websites owned by Sony, AT&T, PBS, and others.

And so, it appears Hector was the person who praised this blogger on Twitter, for writing a “fine article” on the work of LulzSec. It’s all clicking in, now.

Hector Xavier Monsegur was reportedly arrested June of last year, and since has worked as an FBI informant. According to Fox News, he’s engineered the arrests of the following people:

Ryan Ackroyd, aka “Kayla” and Jake Davis, aka “Topiary,” both of London; Darren Martyn, aka “pwnsauce” and Donncha O’Cearrbhail, aka “palladium,” both of Ireland; and Jeremy Hammond aka “Anarchaos,” of Chicago.

And I’ve managed to find a ton of personal information posted on this WordPress blog called “Uncovered”. Here it is:

The Sabu Connection

Handle: Sabu
Aliases: Xavier De Leon, Xavier Kaotico, Xavier Monsegur, Sabu
Real Name: Hector Xavier Monsegur
Race: Puetro Rican
Last Known Location:
***Address Purposely Withheld***
New York City
Family: ***Information Purposely Withheld***
AIM: Encryption (last publicly known sn)
Twitter: @anonymouSabu
Notes: Python, php, perl. Politically motivated even in years past. Active in AOL ‘hacking’ scene during 90s. Searches reveal several published vulnerablities, exploits and code from 90s and on, including AOL. Intelligent writer when publicly speaking but when in private conversations and non-public forums frequently uses slang normally associated with African-Americans and Puerto Ricans. Consistent dialect and word usage throughout old and new writings. Associated with other hackers from same era, many references to Nullbyte aka Haris Tahir. Nullbyte’s personal blog links to XavSec’s blog under the category ‘Lost Souls.’ Tahir’s blog makes direct reference to Anonymous & LulzSec, obviously a supporter (specifically of OpMalaysia among others). Pure-elite is seen in websites, mailing list posts and IRC. Gamer referenced by #ps3test chat logs linked to appears in several places. New York Giants fan, which coincides with NYCPug, NY perl/python lists, etc. Operated several websites and maintained personal blogs. Several talks with insiders and self-proclaimed friends have described him as Puerto Rican and have provided the first name ‘Hector’. References to Hamas, Palestine and Middle East. Quote usages in Twitter feed have direct word-for-word correlation with older forum and mailing list posts.

Email Addresses: (past and present)
X************* (exact address unknown but Xavier[ ]Monsegur fits perfectly)

Websites: (past and present) (Member of forum)
Several Google Profiles

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