Jacoby Jones: Baltimore Ravens Wide Receiver Talks To The Media After Super Bowl Win

Ravens vs. Niners in SuperBowl XLVII
Ravens vs. Niners in SuperBowl XLVII
Jacoby Jones, the Baltimore Ravens Wide Receiver, is arguably the man who should have won the MVP, or at least been allowed to share it with Joe Flacco. With 260 all-purpose-yards and two touchdowns, Jacoby Jones went from goat to hero to MVP in a blink of an eye.

He also set a Super Bowl record with a 109-yard kickoff return to open the second half, and arguably caused the power to go out!

With the media, Jones has a great set of sayings and fun quips. Here’s Jacoby Jones:


(on winning the Super Bowl) “It’s a great feeling man. It’s what you work for through the offseason. Through the camp, many camps, through grind and sweat, the cold tub and the hot tubs—all of that has paid off right here.”

(on best plays of the game) “The passes. It was just the x’s and o’s. It was just the plays we ran through in practice. The line did a great job blocking and Joe (Flacco) put up a decent throw for me to catch.”

(on faking the spinning play) “That was just back yard football right there. That was catch him if you can. That’s like playing freeze tag.”

(on the kickoff return touchdown) “All week in practice, we were working on that return. That’s my favorite return. I told coach, ‘I don’t care where they kick it or how deep it is I am taking that ball out on this return.”

(on opinion on Ray Lewis) “Man, that dude is a special guy. He did the same thing he did to me right before the Denver game, he walked up to me, grabbed me, right on my arm and he said, ‘I’m doing what I was told to do.’ I think he was talking about the man upstairs doing what he told him to do. It’s crazy.”

(on his humble beginnings) “When I graduated high school I was 5-7 160 with bricks in my pocket. You know, I’ve been the underdog all my life. I walked on at Lane (College) and I just took off. I was determined.”

(on feeling redemption from game in Houston) “It doesn’t have anything to do with redemption. It was just business. They gave me the opportunity at Lane College to play football and I came to the NFL.”

(on setting up to return the kick) “All year we’ve been running down the sideline on the return. They did not expect us to run it down the middle for the return.”

(on having the longest return in Super Bowl history) “They did the same thing for the Dallas game, change it from 109 to 108, but it is what it is. I’ll take it.”

(on the power outage) “I was still tired from running the 108 so I was just trying to catch my breath. We’ve been through so many trials and tribulations it was just a bump in the road that we had to get over.”

(on killing time during the outage) “I tried to stay loose, catch some balls and keep my mind on the game.”

(on impressions of QB Flacco) “His deep ball is unreal, and his touch of the ball. People sleep on the guy and talk bad about him because he’s the quarterback and give him all the criticism.”

(on why its special to win in his hometown) “It’s always the goal to win the Super bowl and by me being able to come home and play that was like icing on the cake. You can drop the cherry on it, the strawberry, and the sprinkles.”

(on his mom cooking for the whole team) “That did play a role. That just tells you how I am real family oriented. I think if we were in anyone else’s hometown they would probably do the same thing.”

(on expectations of scoring two touchdowns) “Everybody dreams of scoring touchdowns in the Super bowl but two of them? That’s what’s up.”

(on being able to return the ball) “As a returner, what you want to do is work to get great field position and drive stance. At one pop, it pops.”

(on nicknames) “They call me clutch, dragonfly Jones. They call me everything.”

(on how it feels to be a part of the Super bowl) “Just being in the Super bowl is crazy. The plays that you won the game with you are forever remembered by. 108? I’ll take that too.”

(on expectations for the night) “I envisioned the win. It happened and I thank God for that.”

(on power outage) “I didn’t even care about the power outage. I was tired. I was still catching my breath.”

Stay tuned.

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