Aldon Smith : San Francisco 49ers DE Super Bowl Press Conference

Aldon Smith played an excellent game in Super Bowl XLVII. The San Francisco 49ers 2011 1st Round Draft Pick who this blogger interviewed….

was as animated as ever in talking about how the 49ers lost to the Baltimore Ravens in the press conference.

Ravens vs. Niners in SuperBowl XLVII
Ravens vs. Niners in SuperBowl XLVII
Here’s Aldon Smith:


(on if there was anything he wasn’t expecting) “We played a good team so you have to bring your A game to the field. They were on their A game. We were slipping up a little bit.”

(on the power outage) “It’s something we’ve been through last year in Pittsburgh. It gave us a little more time to mentally rest up for the second half.”

(on how frustrating it is to come so close and lose) “It’s definitely frustrating getting so close to getting that trophy. A good team beat us, you know.”

(on what was said to them at halftime in the locker room) “We had been in that situation before. None of us wanted to go out there and panic. We just knew we had to come out there and play.”

(on what the conversation was like when they were down by 22 points) “When we played Atlanta, we were down to the buzzer which was a similar situation. We all believe in each other and needed to put our pasts away and play football.”

(on if it reminded him of when they played Pittsburgh) “It did actually.”

(on if it was frustrating to not get a flag at the end of the game in their favor) “That’s just how the game goes sometimes. You have to take it day by day and you move on.”

(on if he was disappointed he wasn’t able to make more game changing plays against Flacco) “It was definitely disappointing. You know I think earlier we could have done things better but the second half we really pulled it together.”

(on what his next step will be as a player) “I’m going to keep preparing like I did for the past two years for this. If I stay like that I think I can make it to more games like this.”

(on what he did during the power outage) “I just sat there and rested up. I kept my mind right for the second half of football that we still had to play.”

(on QB Colin Kaepernick) “I think from the beginning of the game I had a lot of faith in Kaepernick. As the second half came and we caught momentum, I was just looking forward to see what we could do.”

(on what Coach Jim Harbaugh told them after the game) “Not too much. He told us to keep our heads up. He said we did a tremendous job this year and that he’s proud of us.”

(on if there was more confidence during the second half) “We all believe in each other. We know what Kaepernick can do and we just played four quarters of football.”

(on how difficult it was for the power outage) “It’s something that we went through in Pittsburgh last year. We were ready to play when the lights came back on.”

(on what the team was talking about when the lights were off) “Just to stay focused. Just to be ready when we come on the field and play.”

Stay tuned.

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