Gal Gadot Cast As Wonder Woman; Supermodel Actress Is First Big Screen Diana Prince

968full-gal-gadot Gal Gadot’s casting as Wonder Woman / Diana Prince (the first movie Wonder Woman in history) for the upcoming Batman v Superman movie has got the sci-fi world buzzing. This blogger thinks she needs to bulk up for the role and that she’s about two-inches too short, but heels can fix that.

Comic Books Resources Forum ran a pole that says 60 percent of fans are electing to take a wait-and-see view.

Meanwhile Ain’t In Cool News knew so much about Gal Gadot they mistook her for Natassia Malthe.

Someone over at Den Of Geek said “Bad casting. She’s too waif like to be convincing as an Amazonian super hero, and her acting isn’t exactly noteworthy in the Fast and Furious films. She must have friends in high places.”

Actually, Gal Gadot does have a friend in a high place: the late Paul Walker. She co-starred with him in the Fast And Furious movies, and his passing over the weekend in a tragic accident is (to me anyway) connected to her being named Wonder Woman.

They were friends. Good people pass on good things to those close to them.

CharlieJane Anders over at said she doesn’t want to see Zack Snyder’s take on Wonder Woman, and explains:

After watching 300, Watchmen, Sucker Punch and Man of Steel, there’s plenty that I admire about Snyder’s film-making. He’s great at creating arresting visuals, and he has a deep appreciation for the grammar of comic-book storytelling, creating splash pages on the screen….But he has a problem with capturing real emotions, as opposed to surfaces, something the cold and depthless Man of Steel confirms. And he especially has a problem with female characters, because his love for pulp imagery leads him to explore women as fetish objects. It almost doesn’t matter if, as some have discussed, Snyder is trying to turn this fetishization on its head or show how it’s harmful — it still tends to dominate.

And as I think about it, I agree with her – to an extent.

Look, I want to see a buffed, real live Wonder Woman, not a skinny mini. But Gal Gadot is hot, a great actress, and while she’s not the physical pick I would have made, Snyder knows something. I’m wondering if she’s cast in the role to produce some kind of love triangle between Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.

So, Batman v Superman is a fight over Wonder Woman?

Could be.

What’s missing here is we have to believe she’s going to be Wonder Woman. If I’m right, and Paul Walker and God have blessed her, then she’s going to do quite well.

Listening to her interview after Fast And Furious 6, and I think she’s got all the right ideas, Gal particularly likes doing action and wants to do her own stunts. She says so:

This is Gal in a clip from Fast and Furious, where she shows that skinny model body:

This is Gal in a 2009 commercial ran in Israel:

And Gal Gadot loves Jags:

I’m holding out hope she gets in the best, buffed-assed shape of her life and drops her heavy accent, and I’m holding out hope that’s what Zack Synder wants.

Stay tuned.

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