Jean Quan: Occupy Oakland Makes Mayor YouTube Star

Say what you will about Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, one thing’s for sure, she’s gone from being called ‘Mayor Quan,’ or ‘Oakland Mayor Jean Quan,’ to just ‘Jean Quan,’ and that means Quan’s become a national and international celebrity and at the same time her name’s a meme. This is one reason why YouTube, and with no prodding from this blogger, made a special playlist page all about her.

For YouTube to spend time curating a video page about a single person underscores that person’s importance to our culture. Regardless of how Gene Hazzard’s recall process goes, no one can take Jean’s celebrity away from her.

What’s cool for this video-blogger is that four of the top 22 videos on Jean are on the front page of the playlist! And if you count where this video’s going, it would be five of the top 22 videos. Plus, my interview with former Mayor Elihu Harris is one of the top 22 videos!

Congratulations Jean! Let’s see what you do with this new found power.

Stay tuned.

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