Hurricane Sandy’s Aftermath: Occupy Sandy Offers Hope

A tsunami of news flowing at a level of importance and urgency has the media in a frenzied attempt to stay current.  The political storm surge is as intense as the hurricane. Sandy had no boundaries.

Working class folks merged with the One Percent from Ocean City Md. to northern Connecticut, as the entire coastline is shocked into heart wrenching devastation.

We mix this with the wildest ride of an election we’ve ever witnessed, tweeted, touted, bookfaced and tumbled out on social media and we have liftoff!  It is certainly 2012 and it seems The Mayans are onto something.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie praised President Barack Obama on FOX News.

Governor Christie has had a life altering experience with Hurricane Sandy and the state and  people of New Jersey.  Seemingly overnight he has gone from a screaming Republican to a truly warm compassionate man.

Watch as FOX News anchors attempt to bring the subject back to Gov. Romney with an #epicfail.

How many of us know what he will do in the voting booth on Tuesday?  Gov. Christie has met and worked with both of our two candidates.  He knows them.  He’s a Republican.  Quite telling!
Hurricane Sandy gathered all the elements and detonated them on the northeast shorelines in 24 hours of catastrophic lunacy.  Maybe George Clooney, Diane Lane and Brian Dennehy in a new film titled “The Perfect Storm of Destruction” with Wolfgang Petersen directing?  Completely surreal!

Occupy Sandy

And in the midst of all of this, Occupy Wall Street steps up to the plate in an organized humanitarian effort by immediately launching @OccupySandy on Twitter and Facebook mobilizing their massive network.  They’ve brought relief efforts to the locations FEMA and The Red Cross had not yet arrived.  #Occupy Sandy has already pumped basements, shoveled, sheetrocked, fed, clothed, warmed and hugged thousands.Watch as Sam Corbin, an Occupy Sandy organizer, guides us through the volunteer hub emerging at 5406 4th Ave in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.My heartfelt prayers go out to all affected. Stay safe and VOTE! 

Karen A. Brown

Writer, Producer, Creative Media
Twitter @mediagirl333

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