On The View, Herman Cain Says Blacks Need To Be Saved; Really?

Herman Cain Says Blacks Need To Be Saved. Really, Mr. Cain said that.

This is why I don’t like Herman Cain for President. On ABC’s The View on Tuesday, the Black GOP Presidential Candidate and former head of Godfather’s Pizza, said that “some of them can’t be saved” in referring to African Americans who commonly vote Democrat rather than Republican. That Cain would phrase his observations in a way that puts Blacks down is troubling to this blogger.

It’s the latest indication that Cain is a self-hating Black person. The kind of person who saves his harshest words for people who have his skin color or background. Cain also used the term “brainwashed” as if we can’t think for ourselves.

A few days ago, Cain said he was a “real Black man” compared to President Obama. Cain also said that Obama “talked down to blacks” at the recent Congressional Black Causus (CBC) Dinner. More often than not, Cain talks about Obama from the perspective of being Black, and not as the President of The United States. Cain pays President Obama as much disrespect as any White racist, perhaps more so. In total, Herman Cain is putting together a string of comments about Obama and about Blacks that point to his own powerful issues with being Black.

What’s sad is that it’s these very same problems in thinking that are fueling his assent in the GOP race. Cain makes it OK for any racist to be, well, racist, and still like Herman Cain. After all, Cain’s subliminal message seems to be “I know you don’t like Blacks, and I don’t like some of them either, so it’s OK to vote for me.”

Is the ‘strategy’ Awful? Yes. Retrograde? Certainly. Effective? So far, it seems to be, and that’s the most disturbing fact of all.

Herman Cain’s tapped into racism against Blacks to help himself this election season. Moreover it’s not a calculated move; it’s part of who Cain is. Cain has the luxury of making self-hating statements, yet calling out a white GOP Presidential Candidate like Rick Perry for being insensitive to Blacks. As Don King would say, “only in America.”

Closing Thought On Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan

Herman Cain’s plan to have a 9 percent income, national sales, and corporate tax can be described in one way: regressive. That Cain says it’s not shows he doesn’t understand what the terms “regressive” and “progressive” mean. A 9 percent tax on a poor person’s income means more to them than a 9 percent tax on a rich person’s income.

Stay tuned.

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