New Apple iPhone 4s Problem: Not IPhone 5

The trouble with Apple’s new iPhone 4s is simply that it’s not an Apple iPhone 5. As this blogger explains in the video below….

the worry now in this space is if an upgrade to the iPhone 4s is done, will Apple just turn around and release the Apple iPhone 5 in, say, February 2012?

The problem is that by allowing buzz about an iPhone 5 to grow without counter, Apple so pushed up expectations of what to expect from Tuesday’s new product launch at Apple’s Cupertino HQ, that when the phone was presented, the growns of discontent were more than audible, both online and offline. Before we look at those comments, take in iBigNick on YouTube’s recap of the new iPhone 4s:

TechCrunch and Engaget Comments Tell All

If you want the best set of reactions to the iPhone 4s, check out the comments sections at TechCrunch and at Engaget. At TechCrunch, the talk was contentious, with some readers touting Android competitors, with others defending Apple:

Max Schmitt · Top Commenter · Bern, Switzerland
This announcement just made me diecide to go ahead and get the Galaxy IIs, which still has far better data speed AND the better display than the fruit phone.
Reply · 68 · Like · Follow Post · 20 hours ago

Danny Jeffries · Top Commenter · Missouri State University
You realize the iPhone 4S has 2x the graphics capabilities as the GS2? And faster downlink speeds? And no one has matched the iPhones retina display. Did you watch the keynote?

At Engaget many of the comments were more negative:

zaxxon23 2 hours ago
There’s really just no need to upgrade hardware for the sake of upgrading. You all can pound your chests about your quad-core whatever, but I just don’t care. I don’t need it! My iPhone4 already does nearly everything I need a smartphone to do!

The real story here is battery life. While the rest of you are stuck hoping to get an entire day out of your battery, I’ll be getting multiple days. That’s true competitive advantage right there.

Sure, a bigger screen would be nice, and Apple needs to figure out some way to deal with all the flash material out there that I’m shut out from. But other than that, the 4s will still be the best device around.

Got to admit, the lure of using that personal data assistant called Siri is pretty powerful. But it would be cool to know what Apple intends to do about the much anticipated iPhone 5.

And About Steve Jobs

Part of me wonders if the reaction to the iPhone 4s would have been better if Steve Jobs had been the presenter. It’s not a knock on Apple CEO Tim Cook or Apple’s Marketing Head Phil Schiller, but they’re just not Steve. And because of that, is Apple fading into the black of bureaucratic thinking?

I’ll leave that for you to chew on.

Stay tuned.

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