Michelle Obama Rules Twitter After Epic Speech

Ok, this blogger is just recovering from the hangover from being front stage for First Lady Michelle Obama’s epic speech. You have to see the videos I captured. People were crying after Mrs. Obama was finished. There was a lot of joy in that room, and she made the case for President Obama, and for America.

I have a lot of video coming, but in preparation for Tonya Hall’s Social Media Radio Show at 11 AM EST at Radio Colorado Networks KRCN (live stream here: http://radio.securenetsystems.net/v4/index.cfm?stationCallSign=KRCN ), I have to ask, how did it play on social media?

To answer that, we have to look to Twitter. Twitter has become the go-to place for people to share their views of what’s happening at any time.

The Twitter blog reports this:

Among tonight’s keynotes, First Lady Michelle Obama’s (@MichelleObama) primetime speech peaked at 28,003 Tweets per minute (TPM) at its conclusion — nearly double Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s (@MittRomney) 14,289 peak. One line in her speech this evening — “we’ve got so much more to do” — saw 22,004 TPM.

Or about 366.73 Twitter Tweets per second.

The Twitter blog also reports this:

Although it’s just the first night at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, people have already posted more than 3 million Tweets, including #DNC2012 and related terms. In comparison, there were 4 million Tweets sent throughout the three days of last week’s Republican National Convention (#RNC2012).

So, a rough projection means that there will be three times as many Twitter Tweets for the DNC as there were for the RNC by the end of the sessions.

Stay tuned.

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