Moto X Smartphone Not iPhone, Samsung Killer

The Moto X Smartphone is not the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy killer that some claim it to be. Not only is it not a technologically more advanced device than either competitor, but it’s questionable marketing will assure that it never surpasses either product.

First, no one cares that one can design the Moto X in any way they want to. What they want to know is what tech features it has that the iPhone and the Samsung have, and then they want to know if it’s going to cost them a lot of money.

The Moto X has one tech feature that it claims is ahead of the others: voice control. But Apple’s iPhone has Siri, which is the same thing, and so popular it has been the focus of viral videos.

Second. What else? Nothing. No larger screen. No special camera design to encourage video production. Nothing.

Motorola has been a money loser for Google, and the hope is the Moto X could end the bleeding. Having a tentpole smartphone will help, but the approach Google and Motorola take with the Moto X will not go far enough.

There’s no reason for iPhone and Samsung users to switch to Moto X. Game not over.

Stay tuned.

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