Chevron Ecuador: Rafael Correa, Steven Donziger’s Supporters Are Racist

Don’t Argue With President Correa

The Chevron Ecuador issue really brings out raw emotions, and on YouTube, on my channel, Ecuador President Rafael Correa and plaintiffs lawyer Steven Donziger’s’s supporters have no problem showing how racist they are.

The hallmark of a person who doesn’t want to sweat the details behind a complex, facts-laden issue, is how they immediately drop into name-calling, reminding me that I’m African American, but not in a good way.

Or, since YouTube now has a filter for such words (and thanks to my constant lobbying), we have the Diego Mogrovejo’s of the World, who just have to haul off and ask who this black guy?


Diego Mogrovejo
2 months ago

who this black guy? has he been to Ecuador? what does he know but crap, and talks about truth ? got to be some looser ignorant… I bet he doesn’t even speak spanish how would he learn any truth but what he’s been fed by the news channels own by chevron lol…

And all because I called out Mia Farrow for being made a fool of by President Correa in this video:

Over the time I’ve spoken out against this fraudulent attempt to extort money from an American business, I’ve been called the n-word (a lot) and received at least one death threat that I know of.

Meanwhile, I stick to the facts. But I did refer to that Diego Mogrovejo guy as a racist ass-hole. I normally don’t slip into such references, but after a ton of comments from these, well, racist ass-holes, there are times you just need to release.

And why not? He’s acting like one.

It just might have turned out different for everyone if Rafael Correa and Steven Donziger’s supporters weren’t so evil. But then, that is the kind of person who would conduct a fraudulent effort to shake down money from a person or a company, now isn’t it?

Stay tuned.

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