Godzilla Trailer For Godzilla 2014 Out December 3rd Says Alberta Film Ratings

Legendary GodzillaIs the Godzilla Trailer for the long-awaited Godzilla movie that’s come to be called “Godzilla 2014” out today? According to the Alberta Film Ratings organization it is, and it has a running time of 2:12.

This is the first non-media organization to communicate that the much-anticipated, and frankly very-long-overdue Godzilla trailer is finally out there – some where. And while my sources have said it will be released with The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the fact is the Alberta Film Ratings listing says it’s actually released and out – now.

Given that the Alberta Film Ratings organization is in Canada, perhaps they mean that the Godzilla trailer will be released in Canada on December 3rd? Or perhaps this is just the date that the trailer was classified by the organization, since the page reads “Recently Classified Film Trailers.”

Well, whatever the case, one thing’s clear: keep on the look out FOR A NEW LEAK!

Stay tuned.

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