Hank Williams Jr. Says Obama Like Hitler; Likes Herman Cain

Just what got into country music star and now-formed musician for ESPN’s Monday Night Football, Hank Williams Jr. that he would make a stupid-assed (no other way to describe it) comments about President Obama, comparing him (unfavorably) to, of all people, and without reason, Adolph Hitler.

Appearing on Fox News’ Fox & Friends today, Hank Williams was the featured guest to talk about his pick for the GOP Nomination for President.

First, Fox News’ having Hank Williams Jr. on to talk politics as if he were a pundit was about as good ideas as having Rush Limbaugh do Monday Night Football a few years back. What did they expect him to say? What’s more, did they expect him to look and talk as if he had a morning too-few-drinks? Like he hung out in a bar all night long, only to wake up off the table and remember he had to do a morning show?

That was Hank Williams Jr.

The rest was icing on the cake plain stupid talk about Obama. Williams himself brought up the view that the golf game between President Obama and House Speaker Boehner was not a good idea, saying “It would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli leader) Benjamin Netanyahu.” He then called President Obama “the enemy.”

And then the Fox News’ Fox & Friends hosts didn’t even bother to call Williams on his comment, choosing to nod like robots or perhaps more appropriate to the actual segment, bobblehead dolls.

Then Williams save a shout out to GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain saying he’s the only one who “makes the most sense.”

Which, if you think about it, has some twisted logic to it. A ultra-right wing racist white guy loves a black guy who hates muslims and comes off as self-hating at points. So for Hank Williams to like Herman Cain is just part of the whole, idiotic, stupid, craziness of the GOP today.

And what did all of this get Hank Williams? Booted from ESPN’s Monday Night Football! No more “Are you ready for some football?!” Yeah, this blogger’s ready for a Monday night party without that opening for a change.

Yeah! Sorry for Hank, but the tune never really grew on me.

Maybe we can get some modern day variant of the famous Howard Cosell openings of ABC’s Monday Night Football!

Stay tuned.

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