Amanda Knox Released From Jail; Foxy Knoxy Is Free

In an amazing turn of events, just days after making a tearful and emotional testimony in her own defense, Amana Knox, who with her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito was accused of killing Meredith Kercher in 2007 in Perugia, Italy, is now free. The statement was read today, and with the judges statement that she was accquitted, Knox broke into tears and slumped, overcome with emotion.

And just as fast as they got Knox out of there, and in stark contrast to the Casey Anthony case here in America, Italian authorities wasted no time in getting Knox into a Mercedes Benz sedan and quickly out of the prison.

As of this writing, Knox is still in Perugia, Italy, and will reportedly fly back to Seattle, where she’s from, on Tuesday.

Walked Into A Bad Place

From the start, it was clear Knox walked into what could be called a “bad place,” when upon learning of the death of her roommate, Meredith Kercher, was too trusting of the very same Italian legal system that would eventually release her. Moreover,Knox was, for all practical purposes, on trial for being the example of the care-free, trusting, well-educated, middle class white girl with Western cultural habits.

It was that image, coupled with his own stupidity, that caused that caused Italian Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini to go with the idea that Kercher’s death was the result of weird sex play based on, as he later told CNN, his own “instincts,” even as there was no physical evidence to match her to the crime.

But the same legal system in Italy that allows what’s called a rather “loose” set of behavior in court, that turned around and freed Knox from custody. The question is, who killed Meredith Kercher?

It would seem to be Rudy Guede, the man in jail in Italy now on found guilty of sexual assault and murder of Kercher, and who implicated Knox, thus having his sentence reduced from 30-years to 16-years.

Guede, the Italian man born in the Ivory Coast who had a reputation for hanging out with college students in Perugia, said that he was in the bathroom after “flirting” with Kercher when Meredith was stabbed and assaulted, and said he came out to see a knife-wielding Italian man in the bedroom escape “into the night.”

The trouble is, his blood and DNA are said to have been all over the bedroom, and on her pillow. Plus, Guede was a known thief and drug dealer at the time. Knox and her boyfriend had nothing there to implicate them. Meanwhile, Guede left Italy for Germany, until he was found, arrested, and brought back for the trial.

Stay tuned for more.

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