Gallup Polls: No Bounce After Republican Convention

Mitt Romney can thank Clint Eastwood. Gallup, the legendary polling organization, reported no bounce for the GOP Presidential Pick after last week’s Republican National Convention. And of all media accounts, none is more damaging than what Gallup’s Frank Newport, Editor in Chief of The Gallup Poll, wrote on the company’s own website: “GOP Convention, Romney Speech Evoke Lukewarm Reactions. Speech gets lowest ratings of any Gallup has measured since 1996.”

Mr. Newport even posted the question asked of respondents: “Does what you saw or read of this week’s Republican Convention make you more likely or less likely to vote for Mitt Romney?” If you think about that query, it encompasses the whole of the RNC Convention, not just Romney’s speech, and allows one to cognitively include that disaster of a presentation by the legendary Clint Eastwood.

You know, where he talked to a chair…

And what’s even more damning is that another question that did zero in on Governor Romney’s speech resulted in the majority of respondent saying his performance was “just okay” followed by “didn’t see / no opinion.” And Newport writes that..

Thirty-eight percent of Americans rated the speech as excellent or good, while 16% rated it as poor or terrible. The 38% who rated the speech as excellent or good is the lowest rating of any of the eight speeches Gallup has tested since Bob Dole’s GOP acceptance speech in 1996.

The highest rated speech? President Obama’s 2008 Democratic National Convention Speech.

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