Virginia Tech, Superman – Henry Cavill Robs Bank?, Barack Obama’s Birthday – MeToo

Hitting the Zeitgeist today: Virginia Tech, Superman – Henry Cavill Robs bank?, and Barack Obama’s Birthday> Well it’s mine too, and San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, and the Bellflower movie’s writer / director Evan Glodell’s birthday, but that didn’t hit the Zeitgeist, dangit!

In fact, Ross Mirkarimi was born on the same day, and same year as President Barack Obama – that means he turns 50 too! Happy Birthday! But a not so happy August 4th for those at Virginia Tech.

It seems some nutcase was spotted on campus with what was thought to be a gun. On the same Virginia Tech campus that was terrorized by Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 people and wounded 25 more people in 2007. That incident scarred the campus, and caused other college students and administrators to ask “Can that happen here, and how do we prevent it?”

VT was on lockdown until just about an hour ago, when it was lifted. It turns out that the person, a white man, 6 feet tall with brown hair, wearing a blue-and-white striped shirt, gray shorts and brown sandals. (What’s interesting is that USA Today didn’t mention that he was white. How much you want to bet they would have done so if he was black?)

Well it’s obvious that in an age where information travels much faster than it did, even in 2007, Virginia Tech can be brought to a stand-still by anything that looks like 2007 all over again.

And considering the recent events in Oslo, Norway, who can blame Virgina Tech? It’s too bad Superman’s not around. Yet.

But Superman will come forward in 2012, and in the guide of actor Henry Cavill, presented in this rather questionable photo for the upcoming movie Superman – Man Of Steel.

“Questionable” because it has Superman – Henry Cavill looking as if he just robbed a bank. Take a close look at the picture. That’s a kind of giant door – the kind you generally see in a big bank. The kind of door that guards a lot of money.

Now some will say “Maybe Superman’s saving people who got trapped in the bank vault.” But that’s the action of assuming this Superman is up to good instead of no good. Given that this is Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan’s Superman, perhaps it’s possible the Man Of Steel wanted to play Robin Hood?

Perhaps he was thinking: “This is cool. I can take all this money and no one can stop me. Plus, I don’t mess up my hair.” (Say, you think Superman caused the Dow to drop 500 points today?)

Well, we’ll find out in the coming months as more Superman info comes out, or days if this idea of Superman robbing a bank catches fire. I mean, just look at that photo! Or better yet, just wish President Obama Happy Birthday.

And since I share that day with him, I re-post this video I made in 2009. The message is still fresh!

And thank you to those who wished me a happy birthday, today!

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