Miley Cyrus “We Cant Stop” SF Tour A Social Media Revolution

Miley at Instagram SF
Miley at Instagram SF
The Miley Cyrus “We Cant Stop” SF Social Media Tour caused the singing and acting and social media icon to do with the Social Media Industry, what celebs have done with the TV industry in decades past.

Then, a celeb would fly to New York City or LA to do the “talk show circuit, and promote their movie or tv show or music. Well, Miley Cyrus did just that on Monday, except that she flew up to San Francisco using the trendy, social media savvy, Blackjet private set service, and visited the following social media companies: ZuckMedia for Spreecast, then Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

The “ZuckMedia for Spreecast” has to be explained, as Miley went to the office of Randi Zuckerberg’s media company ZuckMedia to use Spreecast to make an online telecast. Only problem was that Spreecast crashed under the weight of the demands of Ms. Cyrus’ fans. Second stop was to Facebook, where upon arrival she was mobbed by fans as she was in her SUV.


Then, from Facebook, Miley went over to Instagram and hung out for a bit, before taking off to Twitter in San Francisco, where she gave an interview, and then made one Twitter employee named Amish Shah very happy with this photo.

On Twitter, Shah said it was the “best day ever.” This was also a revolutionary day in the short history of social media, and in the process, the combined exposure, matched with the debut of “We Cant Stop” on Ryan Seacreast’s morning show, pushed iTunes sales to number one in just 24 hours.

I don’t know if it was Randi Zuckerberg who came up with the idea, but it was genius on so many levels.

First, it didn’t involve television one bit.

Second, the relative cost to do these productions was far less and for far less time spent than if she tried to do this with traditional TV shows.

Third, because she was physically present at each place, Miley could still draw buzz for being out and about, versus doing all of this from her home.

The template introduced will alter how celebs and film producers, particularly those who can’t get on national talk shows and entertainment shows easily, promote what they do. Look out!

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