Brenda Dickson Was NEVER Homeless, Huff Post!

Brenda Dickson Was NEVER Homeless, Huff Post! Brenda Dickson Was NEVER Homeless, Huff Post!

She put up a good fight to remain in the Hawaii home she once shared with her ex-husband Jan Weinberg, but a judge ordered her out of the place. In an excerpt from her book My True Hollywood Story, Ms. Dickson writes:

Can you imagine selling off multimillion-dollar properties, in a divorce, without looking at the financial books or legal records in the United States? They did it in Honolulu! They deliberately violated all family law and the Constitution. The judges should spend some prison time, or better yet, pay my damages out of their bank accounts. Judge Choy came out of a forced plea-bargained retirement to commit money laundering, false arrest, and false imprisonment in my case. Judge Choy illegally jailed me in 2006. What happened to him for the false arrest and false imprisonment? Absolutely nothing! Judge Choy was forced to retire at age 56, for allegedly trying to give $1 million of the IRS’s money to his attorney friends. It is said there was a plea bargain with the IRS. He was ordered to retire. So he comes out of his forced retirement for my case? Lucky me!!!

While Judge Choy illegally jailed me, he crossed state lines and sold my home out from under me in California. He has no jurisdiction in California. None. He knew it. He ignored all law in both Family Law Courts but, more importantly, he ignored the Constitution, there was “No Due Process.” No books or records were looked at while he did this action. (The books and records have never been looked at as my ex-husband left town for the 2011 Trial. More fraud.) Judge Choy ignored Hawaii and California laws. For a judge to deliberately ignore the Constitution of America is “High Treason.” But this group has been sitting on the bench since 2006!

After Judge Choy’s alleged illegal actions, Brenda Dickson said that he would leave her without money or a home – but she was never homeless.

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