Foursquare’s Broken: JaxonP Is Not Lakeshore Cafe Oakland Mayor, I Am

Foursquare, the popular location-based social networ, is broken. This blogger makes such an assertion because someone named JaxonP has managed to fraudulently insert themselves in mayor of Lakeshore Cafe, the popular eatery in the Tresle Glen area of Oakland. Trouble is, he has just 14 checkins in 60 days, whereas I have 36 checkins over the same period.

zennieAMoreover, I was at Lakeshore Cafe yesterday, and the day before, and many times last week and never saw evidence of this JaxonP, and staff has never seen him or heard of him. He’s never left even one tip about Lakeshore Cafe.

Meanwhile, me, the real Mayor Of Lakeshore Cafe, the man who promotes them via my social network platforms, leaves tips, knows the owner and gets his choice of table, even in areas that are closed off to the public, is not properly represented on Foursquare.

What I think happened is this JasonP fellow, like some in social media, didn’t want to see a black guy as the constant face of an establishment. So, he takes steps to try and have my face removed from the title of Mayor Of Lakeshore, and then finally finds a way, some hack he did, to do that.

I saw this last year when, on Twitter, I rose to the rank of one of the top six in Social Media, with my face next to Pete Cashmore of Mashable, and this lasted for two months, until, suddenly, someone changed the Twitter algorithm so that neither my face or Pete’s was at the top. The one’s who are there now, all have “Social Media” in there titles.

But that changed once this black face showed up at the top at Twitter. It shows you how racist this society can be; someone just can’t stand a black man in a place they’re not used to seeing him in, and so have to change things just to satisfy their own prejudices.

That’s wrong on Twitter, and wrong on Foursquare too.

Not cool, especially for someone who doesn’t even visit Lakeshore Cafe as much as I do. Moreover, I use my Facebook and Twitter accounts to help promote the cafe whenever I can via Foursquare.

Foursquare has to correct this: kick out the fraudulent Mayor JasonP, and install me into my rightful place as the real Mayor of Lakeshore Cafe.

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