Mitt Romney Wins Iowa Caucus But Newt Gingrich Goes Nuclear

Mitt Romney
The Iowa Caucus is over and Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is the hair-thin-razor winner. Romney beat the man called Richard John “Rick” Santorum by just 8 total votes: 30,015 to 30,007 – that’s it.

But even with this, Mitt Romney thinks he won the Super Bowl and that his Iowa Caucus victory is a signal that Iowa and America are ready to embrace his message and pick him over incumbent President Barack Obama. Yesterday, Romney Twitter Tweeted that said…

Mitt Romney
@MittRomney Mitt Romney
Thank you, Iowa! What better place than the heartland of America to start the restoration of America’s heart and soul.

Uh, OK. This blogger wasn’t aware of any loss of “America’s heart and soul,” so Mitt may have opened himself up for a big attack on that later. But Romney’s the one who also issued this ill-advised Twitter Tweet about the passing of North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il:

@MittRomney Mitt Romney
The North Korean people are suffering through a long and brutal national nightmare. I hope the death of Kim Jong-il hastens its end.

In other words Romney’s saying “I’m glad you’re dead!” Apparently he didn’t get the memo that Kim Jong-Il’s son would take over. What an idiotic Twitter Tweet to issue.

But I digress.

Mitt Romney can’t be comfortable now, but with Senator John McCain’s endorsement, the Romney Campaign’s going to spend a lot of time gloating while a very angry Newt Gingrich plots a way to derail him.

To say that Newt Gingrich’s pissed off is putting it mildly. He’s ragging mad. Mad that he lost Iowa. Mad that he had a taste of being the front-runner and it was taken from him. And mad that Mitt’s running negative ads about Newt via a SuperPac that Romney claims he has no power over, but his attorney says he does.

That’s what Gingrich is calling Mitt a liar.

And it’s going to get a lot worse than that.

Stay tuned.

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