Lindsey Vonn Divorce Doesn’t Stop World Cup Win

Ok, so isn’t it that Lindsey Vonn (captured in a cool photo by Getty Images) getting a divorce from her husband Thomas Vonn supposed to block her chances of winning The World Cup downhill? If so, that’s a memo the Olympian didn’t get. Because for all of the talk about her personal life (and from this space), and all of the attention paid to how hot she is (from this space), the one constant is that Lindsey Vonn is a World Class Olympic Champion skier, and you will be reminded of that in this space.

Vonn proved that again Friday, winning the downhill in Lake Louise, Alberta, and scoring a ninth win at the Canadian resort. Lindsey clocked in a time of 1 minute, 53.19 seconds to beat Liechtenstein’s Tina Weirather by 1.95 seconds — the largest victory margin in Vonn’s downhill career.

Now, you know that kind of victory was Vonn sending a message to her husband. A big time message that says, out load, “to heck with you, pal, I can do this on my own and even better than I did when I was with you!

Man. Somewhere in the World, Thomas Vonn must be feeling really small. And that’s because he told the New York Times that the situation leading up to their, as it turns out, mutual divorce, was “sad,” and he used that word twice, as in it’s a “sad, sad situation.”

His words, and the fact that Vonn was running around without her ring in the days leading up to their divorce, including with 16-year-old Parker MacDonald in November, is a giant message that Vonn’s striking out on her own, and that perhaps there were some issues of control she was dealing with, with respect to Thomas Vonn?

Whatever the truth, and I feel like I’m dead on right, Lindsey’s proving once again that she’s at the top of her game, and saying out loud “Don’t fuck with me.”

Stay tuned.

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