Zennie62 disagreement with Fox News’ Brit Hume

Charlotte, NC – As this blogger was settling in at the Marriott Renaissance Charlotte SouthPark Hotel for DNC 2012 (Sponsored by Tout.com for Zennie62), Fox News Sunday, a show not normally tuned in to here, was on. Since Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was being grilled by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, the channel wasn’t changed.

After that exchange, a brief segment aired with the show’s panel, including Brit Hume.

I have a lot of respect for Mr. Hume, who’s professionalism has always taken center stage over his political leanings. That’s why I was taken aback to hear him say that Reagan’s economic situation was not as bad as that for Obama now, and that the Economic Stimulus was not necessary because the U.S. Economy was already on its way to recovery when President Obama took office.

On Twitter, I disagreed. Here’s part of that exchange:

(I am trying to find that video segment, but Fox News does not have it up.)

The overall point from me is that the Economic Stimulus stopped unemployment from going higher than the 10 percent it rose to just a month after Barack took office. All of that was because of the September 18th 2008 Economic Crash, and it’s dramatic impact on the World’s Economy.

For some reason people, perhaps including Mr. Hume, aren’t aware of the giant impact that event had on our economy’s future and the need for the stimulus – not just here, but in other nations, too – to help assure a positive recovery.

But that said, I do thank Mr. Hume for responding to my Twitter tweets. Class act.

Stay tuned.

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