Google Nexus S Phone Free Today Only For AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile

Someone tell Chamillionaire that the free Nexus S Phone Google gave him at last Friday’s TechCrunch Mobile Conference wasn’t – unfortunately – just free for the famous rapper.

Oh, follow me on Twitter at Zennie62, before I forget to tell ya!

(Chamillionaire recently slammed Android, the operating system that governs Nexus S, as subpar to iPhone, saying it “sucks.” Cham later said he didn’t mean to be so hard on the Google people.)

Google’s working with Best Buy to present a hard-to-pass-up deal for today only, and just one day before my birthday. Oh, and President Obama’s 50th Birthday, too!

If you head down to Best Buy – there’s one in Emeryville, CA and San Francisco, CA at 13th and Harrison for those in the SF Bay Area – you can get an Google Nexus S phone for free, but you also have to sign up for a two-year plan and get an additional data plan. So, it’s not totally free, but it’s a good deal for a device that would normally cost you something like $529.

Wonder if Google’s paying for Chamillionaire’s phone service?

So get to Best Buy. Here’s a store locator: BEST BUY STORE LOCATOR

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