The Power and Beauty of Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR is a unique animal, always evolving and embracing new areas. Born out of corporate necessity to locate all the “soft stuff” goodwill programs under one roof, CSR has evolved to become an essential ingredient to the success of any brand. CSR is a company’s public face.

CSR is inherently corporate, but unlike other areas of big business, it is always CHANGING….And change is exciting.

CSR is the mechanism within a company best positioned to implement meaningful transformation. CSR directors, are CHANGE AGENTS. They help a brand define its purpose and vision and put corporate core social values into action.

CSR and it’s practitioners are the very conscience of a brand, allowing the brand to touch peoples lives in a genuine way.

People often ask me, “What is CSR?”

CSR is about doing GOOD. It is about being social, touching lives. Making change. Choosing what is right over what is profitable. It is about feeding the poor and housing the disenfranchised, providing daycare for employs and matching donations when they support a cause. It is about giving all employees an equal chance and caring about the things that are important to them. It is about fair trade and lower carbon footprints. It’s using smarter materials to get bigger profits. It’s about protecting the environment, even if it costs more. It’s about alternative fuels and new ideas, It’s about thinking twice before viewing garbage as garbage and not a valuable raw material. It’s about scholarships and not sweatshops. It’s about cleaner supply chains and working with partners who care. It’s about not thinking in boxes. It’s about doing the right thing, because it is the right thing and not because it will look good to shareholders. It’s about letting more people in and keeping less people out. It is about giving more and taking less…sharing and not hoarding.  It is not about making the money, but spreading the wealth. It is about helping and not taking. As the book says, it is about WE and not ME.



Marc Holland

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