Colts Jim Irsay Not Handling Peyton Manning Situation Well

Jim Irsay
First, let’s get this out of the way: Indianapolis Colts Owner Jim Irsay is a great guy. After all, this is the man who personally helped me with my luggage after my 1999 presentation to the NFL Super Bowl Policy Committee in my effort to bring the Super Bowl to Oakland (we lost to Jacksonville).

But Irsay’s focus, even then, was on business as he was being personable, talking with the late Kansas City Chiefs Owner Lamar Hunt about Peter Warrick, the Florida State Wide Receiver who was eventually drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals fourth overall in the 2000 NFL Draft.

Thus, it’s no surprise to me that Irsay would take time to send a Twitter Tweet about star Quarterback Peyton Manning. The trouble is, the Twitter Tweet was ill considered, and I’m talking about this one:

Jim Irsay @JimIrsay

Peyton has not passed our physical nor has he been cleared to play for The Indianapolis Colts. Team statement coming on Friday.

Why Irsay took to Twitter to essentially kick sand in Manning’s face in the wake of news that two doctors have reportedly said he’s ready to play is beyond reason. But Jim didn’t delete the Twitter Tweet, and the result is a small rash of negative reactions by Colts fans on Twitter. For example:

Garrett Hagan @GarrettHagan718
@JimIrsay way to kill the mood…

James Moehring @jrmoehring
@JimIrsay I’d rather see #18 for 4 more years on the colts and no super bowl wins than see #18 in another uniform.

And the last one I agree with…

Brandon Brookbank @BrandonBrobank

@JimIrsay Owners should not be able to have Twitter. It has ruined the Colts. You think you are a dadgum celebrity now that you have Twitter

I can’t remember a time when an NFL owner has used Twitter to generate instant publicity for his purposes. I suppose Dallas Cowboys’ Owner Jerry Jones might be looking at Irsay with some envy about now. But here’s hoping Jones restrains himself from such irresponsible use of Twitter.

In one fell Twitter Tweet, Irsay has installed the perception of discord that he and Manning worked to get rid of just a week ago. What motivated Jim to do this is beyond reason. But whatever triggered his fingers to do the Twitter tweeting, he’s screwed it all up now.

Stay tuned.

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