
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Herman Cain: The End Is Near

Usually I try to keep my opinions out of blog posts since I am a journalist and I try to be objective, but since this is a blog post I am allowed to express my opinion and I will be doing so within this post.

Usually it is bad to judge politicians based on their personal lives, you should judge them based on what they believe in and what they have done, but Herman Cain’s personal exploits are worth mentioning.

Cain has admitted to New Hampshire’s Union Leader that he gave his “alleged” mistress money without telling his wife. See the video below:

APHe clearly states that without his wife knowing any of this he was giving money to this woman who is now alleging that she had a 13-year long affair with Cain. Isn’t this a bit sketchy? It reminds me a bit of John Edwards but far less severe.

Cain has plummeted in the Iowa polls having an 8% approval rating. It has been said that his lack of knowledge was a contributing factor to his drop.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that Cain has returned to his home to make a decision: to stay in the race or to drop out.

His campaign says that the end is not near:

“Cain’s campaign shows few signs that an end is near. His team on Thursday emailed supporters in search of volunteers able to travel to early-voting states like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina to work for the campaign. Cain’s team also released a new ad ready to hit the airwaves in Iowa. And on Facebook, supporters have recently created an “I Stand with Gloria Cain” page that has nearly 400 members.”

Despite the aforementioned I still believe that the end of his campaign is closer than people may think.

Look forward to updates on the situation.

Herman Cain: The End Is Near

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