LAX Shooting: Gov Jerry Brown Says “These Tragedies Happen”

Jerry Brown meets the press

California Governor Jerry Brown took time to answer questions about the LAX Shooting after the groundbreaking for the Oakland Global facility on Friday. Governor Brown that “these tragedies happen, and we just have to do everything we can to prevent them and to respond in the most effective way, and the authorities are doing that in Los Angeles.”

Jerry Brown refused to answer a question about the security issue at LAX after the shooting, saying “I’m not going to comment on how to structure security,” then seemed to mumble that it was above his pay grade.

The Friday morning LAX Shooting, done by 23-year-old Paul Anthony Ciancia of Pennsville, N.J., took the lives of three people, including a Transportation Security Agency (TSA) agent Gerardo I. Hernandez, and he wounded three other TSA agents.

According to CBS News, Gerardo I. Hernandez became the first TSA agent to be killed in the line of duty in the agency’s 12-year history.

It must be noted that Paul Anthony Ciancia had no previous significant criminal record.

Paul Anthony Ciancia, according to various reports, texted his parents saying that he was going to kill himself. His parents called the police, who found his roommate, who had no idea where he was.

Paul Anthony Ciancia had some obvious mental issues. Police got a hold of his bag, where he carried an assault weapon, and notes reading that TSA agents were facists and pigs, and references to The New World Order.

The overall point here is we need real gun control. Guns, powerful military-style weapons, are all too easy to get a hold of.

Stay tuned.

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