Justin Bieber Sings ‘Baby’ From Toothbrush – Really

You see the funniest things while standing in line at retails stores. In this case, it was during a quick trip to the Walgreens located near Lake Merritt here in Oakland, California. While standing in line to pay for items, there was this Justin Bieber Singing Toothbrush that caught the attention of two patrons behind me.

One press of the red button ignited a noisy, gravelly rendition of Justin Bieber’s Baby.

Unbelievable. And equally so was that the thing was just $9.99, or over $10 bucks when taxes are thrown in.

No. The Walgreens patrons didn’t buy it, and I didn’t either. But you just know someone has Justin Bieber blasting Baby from there mouth as they brush their teeth.

Someone on YouTube observed…

Justin Bieber’s success and the celebrity worship surrounding him is a key marker pointing to the decay and fall of American society.

I disgree. The real problem is the loss of manufacturing jobs to other nations. But that’s for another blog post.

Stay tuned. Baby.

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