Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Killed For Election

Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson
Judge Robert Simpson
The controversial Pennsylvania Voter ID Law that was approved six months ago has been killed for the election according to The Huffington Post. But, after the election, it’s to go back into enforcement – that doesn’t make sense.

At any rate, what’s reported is that Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson postponed Pennsylvania’s controversial voter identification requirement on Tuesday, ordering the state not to enforce it in this year’s presidential election but allowing it to go into full effect next year.

Judge Simpson’s ruling opens the door for appeal to the state Supreme Court. But it was the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court that sent the issue back to Simpson for a do-over. The reason was the Court asked the judge to stop the law if he thought it would cause anyone to not be able to vote who was not able to get a special voting-only ID card because the state failed to provide liberal access that was required by the law.

This counts as a huge victory, and if any Republican comes out against this ruling on national TV, it’s the kiss of election death for the party.

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