Godzilla 2014: “The Stonewater Tape” Links Godzilla To Bikini Atoll H-Bomb Testing

This tape, made in 1954 and by a Captain Robert Harold Stonewater USN, and of the Los Alamos Special Projects Division, links the emergence of Godzilla to the hydrogen bomb testing that occurred at the location known as Castle Bravo. The tape was recorded during the testimony of Robert H. Stonewater to Lewis Strauss, the Head Commissioner Of The Atomic Energy Commission Of 1954.

A ship called Daigo Fukuryu Maru or “Lucky Dragon Number Five” was a fishing boat exposed to high levels of radiation a few hour after the Castle Bravo H-Bomb test at Bikini Atoll on March 1st, 1954. The audio tape, made March 21st, 1954, at 7 PM, is of Mr. Stonewater’s investigation into the incident.

In the tape Mr. Stonewater explains that a secret package given to Mr. Strauss and the commission consisted of detailed analysis and examination of the sequestered 23 passengers and crew of the boat. Essentially, they were badly contaminated with radiation burns and other symptoms of radiation contamination.

Mr. Stonewater goes on to explain that the “errors” surrounding the Castle Bravo Bikini Atoll bomb testing must be candidly explained to the Japanese Government.

Mr. Stonewater then goes on to explain that the passengers and crew of the boat encountered a “sea monster” while sailing home, and after the March 1st testing. They said it “thrashed about” on the surface and and made unusual noises, and did so for half an hour.

Robert H. Stonewater said he dismissed the stories, all consistent from each person on the boat, as the result of radiation sickness. He called it a kind of “mass hallucination.”

Stay tuned.

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