Much Of Long Island, NY Still Without Power After Hurricane Irene

Received a shocking email from a friend of mine who lives in Hicksville, New York on Long Island. This is what he sent:

just so you know. without power going on 4 days. in PANERA BREAD rest. in the mall nr my house for the 2nd day in a row charging up cellphone/LAptop/3G hot spot. Getting out of “Dodge” for the weekend to Mystic Ct. (at least the hotel has Wifi and Air Conditioning!!!) First 2 nights weren’t so bad,..but last night we barely slept. Not getting any answers from Power company or Gov’t why it takes over a week to replace a blown transformer……Home phone is out(no power, no cable), so the only way to reach me in E-mail or the cell.Where I am it’s just my street. But It’s like that all over LI-Most have Power back,..some of us dont….The streets on either side of me have power, and at the end of our block the first two houses have it,…we don’t….lost 250 bux worth of food, and possibly 100+ dollars in Injectable Meds….

So I clicked around and learned that today, Friday, much of Long Island, New York is still without power. Here’s part of an account on CBS News:

Some of the trees that came down on Long Island as a result of Hurricane Irene are so big you can’t get your arms around the trunks.

They’ve been cut up and pushed to the side of the road for crews pick up but that doesn’t seem to be the case in many areas.

Some residents have been expressing anger, others disbelief.

Some say there has been poor communication from authorities and utilities while others say things have been handled well.

Stay tuned.

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