Amanda Bynes Posts Topless Photos On Twitter

amandabynes1Amanda Bynes latest plot for attention, posting topless photos of herself on Twitter, is far less extreme than any of her actions in 2012.

Consider, that in 2012, last year, Ms. Bynes got arrested, charged with a DUI, and then was out of jail in April, and then by September had reportedly checked into rehab.

And then recall her apparent love for sidewiping Hollywood cop cars with her Bimmer?

All of that prompted this video last year:

So, you have to understand that for Amanda Bynes to be reduced to just making topless photos of herself and putting them on Twitter is a major step forward.

After all, considering the massive image beating she’s sustained in the celeb media – even to the point of being called mentally-ill, which I don’t buy – Ms. Bynes had to do something to cheer herself up.

That something was proving to herself that she was still so hot, the World would fall over if she pulled an Adrianne Curry and went all exhibitionist on us on Twitter.

And in the process, up her Google Insight For Search Rankings to the 100 level, and better than that for 2012. Have doubts? Look at the chart:

Sustained celebrity.

For stars like Amanda Bynes it’s just a smartphone, one clothes-shedding session, and one Twitter photo posting episode away.

Stay tuned.

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