Oaksterdam Univ, Richard Lee’s Home Raided By Feds In Oakland

Chaos. While Oakland Police and Oakland City Officials were dealing with one crisis over in East Oakland, the death of six college students at the hands of an ex-student of Oikos University, and who was caught in Alameda, another one was unfolding in downtown Oakland. The Feds raided Oaksterdam University and the home of founder Richard Lee, called “one of the country’s leading pot advocates.” IRS spokeswoman Arlette Lee said their agents were serving a federal search warrant, but failed to explain the nature of or reason for the search as of this writing.

Lee’s home was raided, but he was not arrested, only detained.

Video from several sources:

DEA & IRS Allegedly Hit A War Vet in a Walker With A Car

And reactions by YouTubers like Go Big International…

And Cannibis Review TV:

Stay tuned.

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