Fringe Ratings Up – I Told You

Last week, some were ready to give up on Fringe On Fox because the show’s Season 4 debut episode posted the lowest ratings ever for a Fringe telecast. That led to some anxiety among Fringe faithful, but not me. As I said last week, the massive interest in the then-new movie The Hunger Games snatched what’s normally Fringe’s core audience away for a night, which happened to the that Friday Fringe came on.

Now, in the wake of The Hunger Games, the Fringe audience is back, so it comes as no surprise to this one that it’s ratings are up. Way up.

Fringe scored 3.11 million viewers and nailed a 1.2 demo rating for gains of 8 percent and 33 percent respectively.


Well, first the audience was at home. Second, they were treated to a great episode involving a flying porcupine creature and the girl who loves it, or him. Whatever.

Third, the Twitter audience carried Fringe, not only helping to push the hashtag #changeyourworld to Twitter Trend status, but moving casual viewers who also use Twitter away from other telecasts to Fringe. I know this because I was part of that crowd.

Not bad. I’m betting on a repeat performance this Friday.

Stay tuned.

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