Mark Halperin Called Douchebag By Grayson Daughters – Atlanta Social Media Day

Grayson Daughters is a friend who’s never at a loss for words, and this occasion at the Mashable Atlanta Social Media Day Party was no exception. Sporting a name tag that read “Mark Halperin,” the long-time Atlanta journalist said she used it because she “wanted to see who was paying attention to politics” at the party.

But, while trying to escape the heat at the Atlanta Social Media Day Party, I asked Grayson what she thought of Mark Halperin’s action calling President Obama a “dick” on Thursday morning’s Morning Joe show on MSNBC. I got more than I bargained for.

And if you didn’t see what Mark Halperin did, here it is:

Grayson wasted no time in sharing her view about what Mark did and about Halperin himself: “(At one point) I worked at the same company as Mark Halperin, and he’s a douchebag.” She said that, then offered that she thought Halperin was “a jerk,” right on this video:

Grayson’s tweets are a thing of beauty at @spaceyG and her blog’s at with the tag line “Be the media you wish to see.”

I like that.

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