SF Carnival 2013: Girls, Food, Dancing, Dudes VideoBombing

SF Carnival 2013. It was its usual mix of girls, food, fun, dancing, and something new: dudes videobombing.

I was all set to talk about how long the SF Carnival 2013 Street Festival was when three dudes came up and videobombed me – or interrupted my recording of comment to make one of their own. Fortunately, I have trained myself to expect this, and turn the camera on the person who’s doing the videobombing. If they have a good message, they’ll say it; if not, they’ll run away.

Those guys didn’t have a good message, and it seemed like they were about to make themselves suspects for the SFPD. Whatever, it wasn’t as bad as it seemed.

Other than those folks, SF Carnival 2013 was fun. And it reminded me of how I would run into Oaklanders like David Glover, my friend and former head of The Oakland Citizen’s Committee For Urban Renewal who died last week, and who’s memorial service in tomorrow. A sad period, but thanks to David, non-profits better understood how to serve their communities.

The most fun in the SF Carnival 2013 community was the large, planned spontaneous, street dances, drawing skilled dancers, musicians, adults and kids. It’s that activity which sets SF Carnival apart from any other street fair.

Stay tuned.

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