Warriors In Oakland: If You Don’t Want Them Here, Leave Town Now

This is a short, blanket message to anyone who calls themselves an Oaklander, yet openly advocates for paving the way for the Golden State Warriors to move to San Francisco. Do me one favor: get the hell out of Oakland. Period.

Oakland was built on boosterism. From Henry J. Kaiser’s work in bringing a large steel industry to this town and working to develop a North Downtown Oakland, to Redevelopment Legend John B. Williams efforts to create what we now call City Center, and of course the work to regain the Oakland Raiders, and to re-build the Rotunda and the Oakland Fox Theater, Oakland’s many economic development triumphs have been due to the blood, sweat, and tears of people who live, work, eat, sleep, and drink the city.

On Twitter I’ve seen a number of tweets by so-called Oaklanders who think allowing the Golden State Warriors to move to Oakland is a good idea.

It’s not. It’s a wuss position held by those who don’t know what it means to put up an economic development fight and win.

If you’re reading this, and this means you, get out of my town. Now.

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